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Setup for website developer

Local development environment setup for CHKware documentation site

This repository holds source code and publishable website for CHKware. Please access using


Clone the repo:

git clone

Install dependencies:

npm install

Local Development

npm start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. You can also follow http://localhost:3000/ URL in any browser.

Most changes are reflected live reload without having to restart the server.


npm run build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.


Learn how to contribute to this website.


All the configs can be found in docusaurus.config.js.

Create a doc page

Create a Markdown file,, and place it under the docs directory. Any markdown file will render into the site without needing any extra configuration. It will be displayed alphabetically on the sidebar.

├── docs
│ └──
├── docusaurus.config.js
├── ...

Markdown documents can use the Markdown front matter metadata fields, enclosed by a line --- on either side. At the top of the file, you can optionally specify attributes in the front matter, so that Docusaurus will pick them up correctly when generating the site. Accepted fields can be found here.

Create a doc category

Creating a in a sub folder will create a category in the sidebar.

├── docs
│ └── sub-folder
│ └──

To change the category name or other category meta data, an optional file _category_.json can be created in the respective sub folder. More here.

"label": "Tutorial"

Static Assets

The Static Assets can be found in the static folder. More here.

Change theme color

Generate the variables from here. Then replace the variables in src/css/custom.css with these new variables. Don't forget variables for dark mode.

Change codeBlock theme

Docusaurus uses Prism React Renderer to highlight code blocks. All configuration are in the prism object of docusaurus.config.js. You can specify a custom theme from the list of available themes.

Syntax highlighting

To add syntax highlighting for any of the other Prism-supported languages, define it in an array of additional languages. More here.

You can add logo and a copyright to the footer via themeConfig.footer. More here.


To set up blog, start by creating a blog directory. More here.


In addition to the basic Markdown syntax, Docusaurus use remark-admonitions alongside MDX to add support for admonitions. Admonitions are wrapped by a set of 3 colons. More here.

Update Docusaurus version

To update Docusaurus version, manually change the version number in package.json to the desired version. Then run npm run install.

Any required change / deprecated message will be shown on the terminal when running the command npm run start. More here.


The current status of the website is under construction. Please follow us on Twitter @chkware for update. Thank you for your patience.

CHKware website uses docusaurus v2.3.0 as CMS backend.